Who are Friends of LIPS (FOL)?
Friends of LIPS are individuals, groups, corporations and others who believe in the mission statement of Ladies Into Purchasing Stock.
How to become a FOL?
FOL Banners
Donors are able to purchase a banner, printed with their logo and/or advertising information, to be displayed for a full year at each of our events. Banners are renewable annually. Below you will find our FOL sponsorship forms as well as our current FOL.
Thank You to our Friends of LIPS
The Campbell Family
Kinderdance Intl Salutes LIPS
Grammer's Woodworking
Prosperity Bank
Stick & Chris Delaup
Dianne & Wayne Gautreau
326 Trucking
Southern Gal Glitz
David & Nyra Carlson
Craven Carpet
In Memory of Daniel Mozisek
Aura Engineerring
Bayou City Steam Cleaning
Croudy Family & Bayou City Steam Cleaning
Saltwater Smokers
Kacal's Auto & Truck Service
Shelly Brock
Kathy Roberts
Hasting Construction Group & Design Brokers
Newport Construction
Stacy & Jerome DeMarco
Mary & Al Valencia
Rabbit Committee
Anne Palm
Double Trouble
True Grit Realty Group
Donate Through An Event
Become an underwriter or donor of one of the LIPS events: January Auction, Crawfish Boil or Cornhole Tournament.
Make a Contribution to LIPS online
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution or become a sponsor, please feel free to contact us any time at ladiesintopurchasingstock@gmail.com or reach out to any LIPS lady you may know. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to donate items for our live/silent auctions or any of our fundraisers, please contact a LIPS lady you know or send an email to ladiesintopurchasingstock@gmail.com.
Buy Raffle Tickets
Each year LIPS holds a raffle with 8 to 10 items. $100 for Book of 25; $20 for 5 or $5 each. Raffle winners are drawn at our Annual Crawfish Boil in April. LIPS ladies will have raffle tickets typically after the first of the year, or you may purchase below.
Click the link above to purchase a FOL Banner, Renew your FOL Banner, donate to an event or buy a raffle ticket.
For more information please contact LIPS or a LIPS member.
LIPS would like to take this opportunity to thank the Friends of LIPS, FOL, for their continued support. Your generosity makes all that we do possible for the youth of Texas and their education.
On behalf of our over 100 members, Thank You!